38: Mynda Treacy – Online Excel Trainer

Mynda Treacy runs one of the more successful online Excel Training programs on the internet at http://myonlinetraininghub.com

Courses range from Power Pivot to Excel Dashboard development with nothing more than Excel and some raw data.

Mynda joined us to discuss how she built her online empire, and what did she learn about the business of online training as she developed her courses.

Develop Excel Training

During the conversation, Mynda discusses her approach to Excel video training.  She includes the technology she uses and her methodology.  If you have ever considered developing online training, this is an episode that you must watch.

Check Out The Videos

[ytp_playlist source=”PLofjmZVp54foNhA-QCDrabxoWZr1ptrJk”]
Rick Grantham
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Season 02

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August 5, 2014

14: Jon Acampora, Excel MVP
  • –If i use the tracking change as you know it display the change Even if it retreated from
    For example
    i Change cell value from 350 to 530 by mistake And when I discovered that returned it to the 350

    the tracking change Display all changes and this not important to me
    i will accept all changes but before seeing it to know the update owner
    the case i want to see the last real update
    in case i update cell value and back in this update then it’s not important to me for example cell value was 350 and someone change it to 530 by mistake so he back the value to 350 > this update not important to me and i want to ignore it

    –the real update i want to change the fill color for cell and differentiate between the delete update or change value , adding value and so on

    —-in the same file the first sheet i want to sum AMOUNT SAR from The first Serial to the cell Named Total

    And so on withe all Total Cell in column c as soon as you do with the serial in every page

    —Every Division may be in more than one page so i want the grand total for every division in the bellow page
    for example division 3 In 3 pages so i calculate all totals in the page 3 and division 8 too

    –adding auto height row to rows according to data entering withe additional height = ?? any value i can change it
    Thanks in advance and it’s my last Questions

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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