03: Mynda Treacy, MyOnlineTrainingHub

Mynda the Excel Dashboard Training Queen

Straight from a Land Down Under.  Mynda Treacy of MyOnlineTrainingHub.com sets out this episode by offering a 12 months of her Dashboarding Course for the winner of the Excel Challenge.  Mynda offers training in all the Microsoft Office products, but has a passion for Excel.  One of her most popular courses is her Excel Dashboards course.

Excel Dashboard Training

Mynda explains her approach to dashboard training which includes all steps required in the dash boarding process:

  • Fundamentals (what is a dashboard
  • Dashboard Design
  • How to structure your data
  • Graphics
  • Analyze data
  • Automate and Update
  • Formatting

Mynda provides the videos and the files so that watch the lessons at your own discretion can follow Mynda’s discussion in the files provided.

What is a Dashboard?

Jordan explains the difference between a Dashboard and a Decision Support System.  A Dashboard is meant for monitoring and Decision Support Systems is meant more for supporting a decision that needs to be made.  Mynda states that although her training is on Dashboards, the techniques that are learned are universal in the use of Excel.  Rick thinks the distinction between a Dashboard and Other Reports is only critical for tools that aren’t as flexible as Excel.  Everyone involved agreed that diving into building graphs should not be the first thing you do… instead you should focus on critical business decisions.

Weird Excel

Want to see some real craziness?  Fast forward to the 33:00 minute marker of the full episode for the section on Weird Excel — all the strangest things you’ve seen in Excel.

How to Find Mynda

Thank you Mynda

Thanks for joining us Mynda.  Please stick around in the comments section in the event that our readers have questions for you and would like to learn more about your products and services.

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Rick Grantham
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Season 01

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14: Jon Acampora, Excel MVP
  • I thought it was pretty awesome to see other Excel users talking about OneNote. I have been using OneNote for years and I, too, use OneNote to help me organize and to drop odd thoughts about Excel.

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